Perform a hypertension evaluation. This evaluation is to be done only if medically approved. The purpose of this learning experience is to understand the bodies’ basic response to exercise. Take a resting blood pressure. After taking the blood pressure take your blood pressure while doing moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise. On another occasion take your blood pressure after doing mild- moderate arm curls, also mild- moderate bench press, then take your blood pressure after doing mild to moderate leg extension and leg press. Explain what happened and why the reading might have been different. See what happens when you hold your breath. Consider what influence supine has over seated bench press, or seated leg press vs. inverted leg press. After doing this self evaluation design a comprehensive exercise program for a hypertensive 50 year old male with a resting BP of 145/92. Explain why every exercise is included.

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Introduction: In this assignment, we will be conducting a hypertension evaluation to understand the basic response of the body to exercise. This learning experience aims to provide students with an understanding of how blood pressure readings vary during different types of physical activities and postures. Additionally, students will design a comprehensive exercise program for a hypertensive 50-year-old male with a resting blood pressure of 145/92.

Answer: To conduct a hypertension evaluation, we will first take the resting blood pressure of the individual. Then, we will conduct moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise, followed by mild to moderate arm curls, bench press, leg extension, and leg press. We will record the blood pressure after each activity and compare the results.

The blood pressure readings might differ due to various physiological responses to different types of exercises. Aerobic exercises increase heart rate and cardiac output, which in turn increases blood pressure. Resistance exercises such as arm curls, bench press, leg extension, and leg press cause a transient increase in blood pressure due to the contraction of muscles. Holding breath can cause a sudden rise in intra-thoracic pressure, leading to a temporary rise in blood pressure.

The influence of supine position over seated bench press or seated leg press vs. inverted leg press is related to the gravitational force acting on the body. When a person is in a supine position, blood flow to the heart and brain is facilitated, leading to a reduction in blood pressure. In contrast, when a person is in a seated position, the gravitational force acts on the blood vessels, leading to a temporary rise in blood pressure.

After conducting the hypertension evaluation, we will design a comprehensive exercise program for a hypertensive 50-year-old male with a resting blood pressure of 145/92. The exercise program will aim to reduce blood pressure and improve overall cardiovascular fitness. It will include a combination of moderate aerobic exercises such as brisk walking, cycling, or swimming, along with resistance exercises targeting major muscle groups, such as chest, back, legs, and shoulders.

The exercise program will also include stretching exercises to improve flexibility and balance. However, caution should be taken to monitor the blood pressure during exercise, and if the readings are above 180/110 mmHg, exercise should be stopped immediately, and medical attention should be sought.

In conclusion, conducting a hypertension evaluation and designing a comprehensive exercise program for hypertensive individuals is an important aspect of managing hypertension. It helps to understand the effects of exercise on the body and design personalized exercise programs tailored to the needs of hypertensive individuals.