English 201 SLP Module 1 Literary Analysis Responses to the following questions must be uploaded as a WORD document to the

English 201

SLP Module 1

Literary Analysis

Responses to the following questions must be uploaded as a WORD document to the SLP 1 Dropbox. Terms used in Literary Analysis may be found on the Literary Terms page in Module 1.

Title: “Ute Wisdom, Language and Creation Story”

1. Provide a brief plot summary of the creation story in no more than five sentences.

2. Does the story progress in chronological order, or is the plot cyclical? Does the story include foreshadow?

3. What is the setting (time and place) of the story? Is the setting symbolic in any way? Does the setting impact the action of the characters in any way?

4. Is there a protagonist? If so, who is it? Describe some of their character traits.

5. Is there an antagonist? If so, who is it? Describe some of their character traits.

6. Is there a central conflict? Are there opposing forces?

7. What is the tone of the short story? Does the tone remain the same throughout the story or does it change? If it changes, how so?

8. Does the myth include symbolism? If so, what symbols are used and what are their meanings?

9. What is the climax of the story? What is the resolution of the conflict?

10. What is the main theme of the story? Are there any minor themes?

11. Before beginning the creation myth, storyteller Larry Cesspooch’s states, “There is something in these stories for each of you. And you take that knowledge with you today to use it to do good things in this world.” What is the “takeaway” from Cesspooch’s story for you, and what will you do with it “to do good things in this world”?

English 201

SLP Module 2

Literary Analysis

Responses to the following questions must be uploaded as a WORD document to the SLP 2 Dropbox. Terms used in Literary Analysis may be found on the Literary Terms page in Module 1.

Title: “The Road Not Taken”

Poet: Robert Frost

1. Provide a brief summary of the poem.

2. Who is the speaker? Does their point of view affect the characterization in any way or are they an impartial participant?

3. Does the poem progress in chronological order, or is it cyclical? Does the poem include foreshadow?

4. What is the setting (time and place) of the poem? Is the setting symbolic in any way? Does the setting impact the action of the speaker in any way?

5. Who is the protagonist? Describe some of their character traits. Do these traits remain throughout the poem or does the speaker change? If they change, what are some of the new character traits?

6. Is there an antagonist? If so, describe some of their character traits. In what way do these traits contrast to the protagonist?

7. What is the central conflict (internal and external)? What are the opposing forces (internal and external)? Are there any significant minor conflicts?

8. What is the tone of the poem? Does the tone remain the same throughout the poem or does it change? If it changes, how so?

9. Does the poet use symbolism? If so, what symbols are used and what are their meanings?

10. What is the climax of the poem? What is the resolution of the conflict?

11. What is the main theme of the poem? Are there any minor themes?

English 201

SLP Module 3

Literary Analysis

Responses to the following questions must be uploaded as a WORD document to the SLP 3 Dropbox. Terms used in Literary Analysis may be found on the Literary Terms page in Module 1.

Title: “The Five-Forty-Eight”

Author: John Cheever

1. Provide a brief plot summary of the story in no more than five sentences.

2. Who is telling the story? Does their point of view affect the characterization in any way or are they an impartial participant?

3. Does the story progress in chronological order, or is the plot cyclical? Does the story include foreshadow?

4. What is the setting (time and place) of the story? Is the setting symbolic in any way? Does the setting impact the action of the characters in any way?

5. Who is the protagonist? Does the protagonist’s name reveal/suggest anything about their role in the story? Describe some of their character traits. Do these traits remain throughout the story or does the character change? If they change, what are some of the new character traits?

6. Who is the antagonist? Does the antagonist’s name reveal/suggest anything about their role in the story? Describe some of their character traits. In what way do these traits contrast to the protagonist? Do these traits remain throughout the story or does the character change? If they do change, what are some of the new character traits?

7. Are there any other minor yet significant characters? If so, provide name(s), character traits, and their significance to the story. Do the minor characters serve as foils to the major character(s)?

8. What is the central conflict (internal and external)? What are the opposing forces (internal and external)? Are there any significant minor conflicts?

9. What is the tone of the short story? Does the tone remain the same throughout the story or does it change? If it changes, how so?

10. Does the author use symbolism? If so, what symbols are used and what are their meanings?

11. What is the climax of the story? What is the resolution of the conflict?

12. What is the main theme of the story? Are there any minor themes?

English 201

SLP Module 4

Literary Analysis

Responses to the following questions must be uploaded as a WORD document to the SLP 4. Dropbox. Terms used in Literary Analysis may be found on the Literary Terms page in Module 1.

Andre’s Mother

Playwright: Terrance McNally

1. Provide a brief plot summary of the play in no more than five sentences.

2. Does the play progress in chronological order, or is the plot cyclical? Does the play include foreshadow?

3. What is the setting (time and place) of the play? Is the setting symbolic in any way? Does the setting impact the action of the characters in any way?

4. Who is the protagonist? Does the protagonist’s name reveal/suggest anything about their role in the play? Describe some of their character traits. Do these traits remain throughout the play or does the character change? If they change, what are some of the new character traits?

5. Who is the antagonist? Does the antagonist’s name reveal/suggest anything about their role in the play? Describe some of their character traits. In what way do these traits contrast to the protagonist? Do these traits remain throughout the play or does the character change? If they do change, what are some of the new character traits?

6. Are there any other minor yet significant characters? If so, provide name(s), character traits, and their significance to the plot. Do the minor characters serve as foils to the major character(s)?

7. What is the central conflict (internal and external)? What are the opposing forces (internal and external)? Are there any significant minor conflicts?

8. What is the tone of the play? Does the tone remain the same throughout the play or does it change? If it changes, how so?

9. Does the playwright use symbolism? If so, what symbols are used and what are their meanings?

10. What is the climax of the play? What is the resolution of the conflict?

11. What is the main theme of the play? Are there any minor themes?

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