Apply at least one aspect of the VBM to the following discussion prompt: At some level, a marketer’s job is to convince customers to buy more of their

Apply at least one aspect of the VBM to the following discussion prompt: At some level, a marketer’s job is to convince customers to buy more of their stuff. But is there a limit to how much marketers should push their products and how much customers should buy? Luke 12:15 contains a warning from Jesus about coveting goods and not being concerned with the accumulation of possessions. “And he said to them, ‘Take heed, and beware of all covetousness; for a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.’”

  1. What does that mean for marketers?
  2. Do marketers have an obligation to make sure customers really “need” versus “want” a product?
  3. What, if any, is the marketer’s responsibility here? Or is it up to the individual customer with free will to decide what they purchase?

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