Final Paper Requirements You must choose a mental health illness or disorder for the topic of

Final Paper Requirements

You must choose a mental health illness or disorder for the topic of your paper and presentation.

Topic: substance induced psychosis

The paper should be in APA format and about 4-5 pages

Paper should include intext citations and at least 8 references within the bibliography

Content of the Paper

1) Introduction (2-3 pages)

-Information about the mental health illness/disorder

-Signs, symptoms, behaviors, and risks associated with topic

-How is the diagnosis made, what tools or scales are used to aid in diagnosis

-Treatment, what are the treatment options. Impact on the individual, family, and relationships.

2) Literature Review (2-3 pages)

-2 peer reviewed articles that talk about your topic

· Objective (Purpose of Paper)

· Background/Introduction

· Methods

· Discussion/Body

· Conclusion

3) Implications and Conclusions (1 page)

· Importance of the topic

· How can further study or research aid individuals with this illness

· Concluding remarks

Also with a power Point presentations

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