100 word response due 6/21/2024 1 reference/intext citation Keaton If you have weak glutes it can cause as much lower back discomfort as tight glutes

100 word response due 6/21/2024 1 reference/intext citation


If you have weak glutes it can cause as much lower back discomfort as tight glutes can, so working in occupations or positions that require prolonged sitting can lead to tightness in the lower back area and weakness in the glutes! I chose glute bridges because it this exercise engage in glute, thigh,  and core muscles. If formed correctly and over time it could build your glute muscles and make them strong. Just remember to slowly lower the hips down to the floor, and be sure to keep tension in the flutes and and as your getting lower. Afte 2-3 weeks you should see results.

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