I’m working on a reflection question, and I’m needing some pointers.
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Monitor and Adjust – Gonzales & Saavedra
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2. Mr. Gonzalez also continually adjusted instruction and activities to maintain student engagement. Explain at least two ways Mr. Gonzalez monitored student for student engagement and adjusted the activities so students remained engaged in the lesson.
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3. In Ms. Saavedra’s class, students were engaged in the learning from the beginning. How did Ms. Saavedra monitor their learning and adjust based on student feedback? Why do you think her strategies to engage students were so effective?
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4. Although the classroom settings and content are different, both teachers were monitoring and adjusting their instruction so that students learned. Compare and contrast both classrooms. How did the teachers monitor and adjust in similar ways, and how did they use different techniques? Why might they use different methods?
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