Air Pollution Term Paper Guidelines Due: Mon Apr 29, 2024 11:59pm Due: Mon Apr 29, 2024 11:59pm ungraded Add Comment Available after Jan 23, 2024

Air Pollution

Term Paper Guidelines
Due: Mon Apr 29, 2024 11:59pm
Due: Mon Apr 29, 2024 11:59pm
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Available after Jan 23, 2024 12:00am
Available after Jan 23, 2024 12:00am




The term paper subject you select can be on an environmental issue from the list below

or an environmental issue approved by Professor

● Population – US or foreign or worldwide
● Cities affected by rising ocean levels
● Air
● Pesticides
● Endangered species
● Deforestation
● Energy – solar, wind, water, geothermal, fossil fuels
● Transportation
● Food
● Air Pollution
● Water Pollution
● Noise Pollution


1. Typed on standard 8 ½ x 11 white paper.)
2. Have numbered pages.
3. Double spaced.
4. Times New Roman font-font size 12
5. Follow APA guidelines for literature cited (bibliography).
6. You can include your own or other illustrations, pictures, graphs, etc. Those

that are not yours need to be identified and a citation given for them.

7. The term paper should be in your own words, not copied from another
source. However, you can use quotes or specific wording if you give a
reference to it.

8. Pictures, illustrations, graphs, etc. should be numbered as Figure 1, Figure 2,

9. Papers should be proof-read, and spell checked.

The report should consist of the Sections shown below and in that order.

1. Title page
2. Summary
3. Why you chose this issue
4. Description and history of the issue
5. Status of issue/problem
6. Impact/importance of the issue; nationally and globally: on people, land,

water, environment, economy, etc.
7. Impact of the issue nationally, world-wide, globally: on people, land, water,

environment, economy, etc.
8. What has been done/is being done regarding issue/problem
9. Potential solutions
10.Outlook for the issue
11. Literature Cited/Bibliography


● Title pagegives the title of your report, your name, lecture section and date.
● Table of contents.
● Summaryis an abstract of your term paper.
● Introduction – A description of the topic of your term paper and why you

chose this topic.
● The body of your term papershould present background of the problem or

area of interest and include historical information, current work being done,
research, organizations involved in this area, scientists or others identified
with the area, a description of any ongoing research projects, outlook for
solutions, your conclusions.

● Literature cited/References Used. (This is an important part of your
paper.) You should use references from, at least,four different sources.
Only one of the references should be from the internet. The others can
be from a book, magazine article, scientific journal, or newspaper.

If you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to discuss with Professor


Form for Literature Citations (Bibliography)

This is an important part of your paper. You should have a minimum of four
different references. No more than 50 % of the references should be from the
internet. The others can be from a book, magazine article or a scientific journal.

List papers alphabetically by author(s), last name first

Examples of how to list citations

Cameron, J. and Blood, D. “Catalyzing Capital towards the Low-carbon Economy”,

Thought Leadership Series No. 3, Copenhagen Climate Council, 2008

Stern, N. The Economics of Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, 2007

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