8-1 Discussion: Making Connections Treat this discussion as a collaborative space for conversation about what you learned during this

8-1 Discussion: Making Connections

Treat this discussion as a collaborative space for conversation about what you learned during this course and how that knowledge might apply to your future. To ensure an interesting discussion, you are encouraged to think creatively about your initial posts and extend the points made by your peers. 

Create one initial post and follow up with at least two response posts.

For your initial post, address the following:

1. Revisit your very first discussion post in this course where you discussed the value of studying the natural sciences. Consider what you wrote in that first post and then respond to the following questions: 

a. How has your opinion about the value of understanding science changed since Module One? What information or experience contributed to that change?

b. How might you apply scientific inquiry skills to future classes, your personal life, and/or your career? 

Be sure to provide specific examples to support your points.

For your response posts, address the following:

1. Suggest other ways scientific inquiry skills might help your peers in their personal, professional, and academic careers. 

Remember, this assignment is graded on the quality of your initial post and at least two response posts to your classmates. If you refer to any module resources, be sure to include an attribution (or citation) to the resource.

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