Medication errors can occur for several reasons: incorrect dosage calculation, look-a-like and sound-a-like medication, use of inappropriate abbreviations or illegible handwriting, medications that resemble one another on the pharmacy shelf, etc.

Do a basic web search and find an incident in which a pediatric patient received the wrong medication.

  • What happened? How could it have been prevented?
  • What can you learn from the mistake that was made by this pharmacy to help you in your own career?

Write a 2-page paper, and don’t forget to include your resources in your assignment. You will be scored on your grammar and organization as well, so be sure and spend time revising before submitting.

Please make sure the answer are 2 page paper, the length really matters for the grading purpose.
APA format and cite your sources in Apa as well

How to solve
Preventing Medication Errors in Compounding Nursing Assignment Help

Medication errors in pediatric patients are a major concern in healthcare. These errors can result in serious harm or even death. In this paper, we will discuss an incident in which a pediatric patient received the wrong medication and the ways in which it could have been prevented. We will also explore the lessons that can be learned from this mistake for healthcare professionals.


In 2018, a three-year-old boy in Tennessee was given methadone instead of his prescribed medication, a liquid steroid, for his asthma. The pharmacist who prepared the medication had mistakenly filled the steroid prescription with a bottle of liquid methadone that had a similar appearance and was located near the steroid on the shelf. The boy was rushed to the hospital in critical condition and had to spend several days in the intensive care unit.

This incident could have been prevented if the pharmacist had followed the “Five Rights” of medication administration, which include the right patient, the right drug, the right dose, the right route, and the right time. Additionally, the pharmacist should have double-checked the medication before dispensing it. To prevent similar incidents from happening, it is crucial for healthcare professionals to take extra care when dispensing medications to pediatric patients.

The mistake made by the pharmacist in this incident provides valuable lessons for future healthcare professionals. First, it is important to minimize distractions and stay focused while preparing medications. Second, it is crucial to double-check the medication before administering it to ensure that it is the correct medication and dose. Third, it is important to keep medications that look and sound alike in different locations to avoid confusion. Finally, it is essential to learn from past mistakes and take necessary steps to avoid making similar errors in the future.

In conclusion, medication errors in pediatric patients can have serious consequences, and it is imperative for healthcare professionals to take appropriate precautions to prevent these incidents from happening. By following the “Five Rights” of medication administration, minimizing distractions, and double-checking medications, healthcare professionals can ensure that patients receive the correct medication and dose. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of taking extra care when administering medications to pediatric patients, and the lessons learned can be applied to ensure patient safety in future healthcare practices.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018). Medication safety program. Retrieved from

Tennessee Department of Health. (2018). Medication error report. Retrieved from